SMH Article – Australian Veterans Joining Forces In The Fight Against Military Suicide

This SMH article by David Wroe 13 May 2017 is a must read coverage of the fight against military suicide

……”Amid soaring concern about veteran suicide and rising dissatisfaction and criticism – some of it fair, some likely less so – of the Department of Veterans Affairs, thriving communities of veterans are self-organising online.”

“As the government and the military community searches for ways to reduce the rate of military suicides – which is up to double the rate of the community average in the case of younger veterans – there are calls for better co-ordination among veterans groups and also between them and the government.” …….


Mental Health – The Unvarnished Truth About Veteran Suicides

…..”When we send people to war, we ask a select group of mostly young Australians to prepare themselves to kill or die to defend the nation. That is at the heart of the challenge of military mental health and suicide. The sense of responsibility, the comradeship, the tough internal culture, the mental preparedness, not to mention the experience of combat, can have lasting effects.

A groundswell of concern is being fuelled by revelations that the suicide rate among veterans aged 18 to 24 is double that of their peers in the general community. Among those aged 25 to 29 it is 1.5 times the national average for their age. Those figures, from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare from November, are based on a tally of 292 certified suicides between 2001 and 2014. This total is regarded as conservative by most veterans groups, some of which counted between 70 and 80 military suicides last year alone.”

“For every suicide there are many more veterans of the Afghanistan, Iraq and East Timor era who have plumbed the depths but managed somehow to climb out of the hole and often gone on to form their own groups to help others. Invariably they describe moments that were, in retrospect, turning points but at the time could have gone the other way.”

Read the full article here


The 2016 Client Satisfaction Survey of more than 3,000 randomly selected DVA clients, including veterans, war widows/ers, carers and dependants, found an overall satisfaction rating with DVA services of 83%.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Dan Tehan said the $166.6 million provided in this year’s Budget to implement the first stage of modernising the Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ (DVA) processes and IT system would improve client satisfaction with DVA as results of the 2016 Client Satisfaction Survey were released today.

(ED. See the 2016 Executive Summary here. Note: For Historical comparison the 2014 results for overall satisfaction (89%) were marginally below the ratings recorded in the 2010 (93%) and 2008 (92%) surveys.comparison. The 2014 Survey results can be seen here)


Opinion – RSL struggles to stay relevant

In its 102nd year the Returned and Services League of Australia faces its greatest crisis, its future survival in the balance.The RSL is an organisation which should be arguing for veterans’ rights and benefits. It should be assisting veterans to access those while recreating the camaraderie of military service. Unless the RSL changes now, the Ode of Remembrance in future may state “we don’t remember it”.
That is not an option worth considering.
Read Ross Eastgate’s full article here

Humane and intimate, how the Red Cross helped families trace the fates of WW2 soldiers

Humane and intimate, how the Red Cross helped families trace the fates of WW2 soldiers

Fiona Ross, University of Melbourne

There are about 59,000 cards in archival boxes from the Red Cross’s WW2 enquiry service. While their language is impersonal, the golden rule was to provide solace to soldiers’ families, and fast



DVA’s Budget Initiatives and Explanations of Appropriations Specified by Outcomes and Programs are contained in The Minister’s Portfolio Budget Statements 2017-18 and Budget Related Paper No. 1.4B

download 9

They contain an Overview of The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Portfolio  and details of its resources and planned performance of both The Department of Veterans’ Affairs and The  Australian War Memorial


Nationwide public transport concessions explained

Transport concessions are invaluable when getting around your hometown or visiting from interstate. Unfortunately, these concessions can vary from state to state, and finding out what’s available can be confusing. This handy guide will outline which concessions you’re entitled to and where.

Vale – WO1 Reg Bandy MBE

WO1 Reg Bandy, an original member of the Royal Australian Regiment, died in Perth yesterday.

I have attached his Bio from the 7RAR website.

Porky Seven | WO1 Reginald A. Bandy, MBE

Future Leaders – Our Nation’s Proud Torch Burns Bright

This poem was prompted by visits to schools during ANZAC services in FNQ where young Aussies do all of us proud… 

Our Nation’s Proud Torch Burns Bright

A crowded sea of faces in the school hall

A choir reaches out to them with sweet call

Disciplined youth bursting with innocence of life

Honoring those from yesterday who gave all in times of strife 

The deeds of the fallen spoken with deep pride

They who had stepped forward as one, to serve, side by side

Now ghostly shadows are dancing to and fro among the class 

Can they be the men and women we honour from the past?

I told these scholars of the dreams all soldiers did share 

To be home with loved ones and peaceful bliss every-where 

A happy precious free way of life for those yet to be born. 

Surely the silence of the guns would signal a bright new dawn?

This audience will be our leaders in time to come

No matter who or where, they will always be united as one

Many will be parents and teach their young, our values of life

To tell them of past sacrifice during Mar’s terrible strife

In this very hall, I saw familiar images of those lost in war 

Smiling, dreaming, eager and a love of life to the very core

Today’s students are of the same ilk and our nation will stay strong

They too understand our way of life and what is right from wrong

Suddenly I was looking into yesterday and felt the bursting pride

For they are you and you are them, all marching side by side

Your sacrifice was not in vain and dreams surely did come true

Today’s proud and freedom loving youth are forever you, true blue  

George Mansford © April 2017



The Australian Veterans Alliance have had one of their member groups working on tax issues that impact our most injured Veterans incapacity benefit’s under DFRDB and MSBS. They have asked the question of the ATO as to why compensatory payments in the form of Invalidity Benefits paid to Injured members of the ADF post discharge, were not treated the same as other compensation payments in the community with regards to taxation.

The ATO made the decision that an ex ADF member who met certain criteria, could elect to treat a Superannuation Income Stream as a Superannuation Lump sum. As a result, many injured Ex ADF members were finally able to dig themselves out of poverty and be able to afford many things the general public take for granted.

From the 1st July 2017, all of this will change. The Australian Government has repealed the legislation that brings Injured Ex ADF member’s compensatory payments in line with their civilian counterparts. From this date, these injured ex ADF personnel will stand to lose 100’s to over a 1000 dollars a month. This means these very people that signed the dotted line to protect the interests of our nation, will no longer be able to meet mortgage repayments, put food on the table or be able to survive without relying on hand outs and extra welfare that is offered via Ex Service Organisations.

With the Governments efforts in trying to combat the effects of PTSD and mental health issues, veteran homelessness, the high rate of suicide and the overall wellbeing of injured veterans and ex service personnel, it is perplexing that they are willing to strip this money from such members, potentially exacerbating the issues mentioned.

With ANZAC Day remembers those before us that made the ultimate sacrifice, the government is forgetting about the current living generation of Veterans that are doing it tough. We now have two member groups working on a range of tax issues that are currently effecting our community.

If you want to know more about the efforts of the two groups, please check out the following Facebook pages: